💙❄️ Midwinter Magic has arrived ❄️💙

Garnet Crystal Point Amulet


In the darkest shadows of Winter we are met with the longest nights and coldest hour. The dance of the seasons reflect the dance our spirit goes through, moving in circles, light casting shadow. For darkness cannot exist without the light, one of the most profound lessons we each face in the heart of Winter. This past winter season the world collectively went through one of the most profound Dark Nights of the Soul. Collectively reflecting and integrating our own personal lessons through intense shadow work, self-reflection, introspection as a whole. For we cannot change what we refuse to touch. The deepest truth of our inner demons, is they are just misunderstood pieces of oursleves craving to be seen and to be loved.

The Rooted Remains Collection really reminds us of our primal essence of being human, and how human is as human does. We cannot grasp that which we do not know. Being human is a profound dance, and balancing act, embracing our spiritual essence all while honoring our human nature. We crave protection, stability, structure, and a space to feel safe.

A sweet and simple piece, featuring a beautiful quartz point adorned with a facted garnet gemstone.

Hangs on a 18 inch antiqued copper chain

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