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Protection Salt

$8.00 - $11.11

One of the most potent ritual salts to come from Arctium Alchemy. Protection is something we all seek and something we sometimes need more of.

This ritual salt blend is made with a base of Dead Sea Salt, with Black Tourmaline and Dragons Blood Resin.

Black Tourmaline is the most protective crystal in the mineral kingdom, as it literally absorbs negative energy. Being paired with salt, which clears negative energy, these viles are all self clearing!!

Viles can be kept on your person when out and about for extra protection, keep it in your car, next to your bed to ward off nightmares. The vile can be opened and sprinkled around the permiter of your property, or used in various other rituals.
Would not recoomend this one for the bath as it has lots of little pieces, but totally can be!

**Ritual Salts are NOT for consumption**