💙❄️ Midwinter Magic has arrived ❄️💙

The Arcane


The Celestial Gateway taps into the full emboidment of owning your own personal power, and understanding that your experience is so much more than what meets the physical eye. Within us all is a vast and expansive landscape that is almost bigger than life. These conduits reflect the ancient art of star mapping and exploring the arcane; the mystery of magic beneath the surface. Energy is the currency within this vast human experience, and the physical aspects are just the wrapping it comes in.

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, where the truth is unmasked and things happen quickly and radically. As humans, we do not only experience reality in it's physical forms, but there are various dimensions of being. We have come from the cosmos, the very cells within ou r being are made of stardust. This stardust has come into form to drop into the human experience, and embody all it's facets. Coming from emotional, intellectual, intuitive and physical realms.

Each of these pieces is one of a kind and directly linked to helping the wearer come back home to their own authentic core of truth. The truth for all of us looks a little different, and it's up to us to maintain balance in honoring our own truth and anothers. These conduits invite you home to yourself where you can feel free to just be as you are, just as the stars shine, you too are free to be.

The Arcane: "understood by few, mysterious or secret"

The concept of the arcane is that which is mysterious, the magic that pulses beneath the surface. A dimension I frequent to bring these conduits to life. The Arcane holds the infinite capacity for mystery and magic. Acting as a transmitter and helping the wearer reclaim their own authentic truth hidden within the shadows of mystery.

The Arcane piece features an incredible aqua aura crystal point, with a full cluster of clear quartz points "growing" from the top. Adorned with various copper plated ivy leaves, rainbow moonstone drops, a citrine drop and a faceted labradorite. This is a powerful piece for anyone serious about finding the truth of who they are.

Finding the truth isn't always a pleasant journey, the discovery of that which we have kept hidden can be unbelievably painful. Yet on the otherside the freedom you find, and the pure desire to just be yourself, is worth it. Why be anything other than what you are?

The chain holds faceted citrine, labradorite, rainbow moonstone and iolite gemstone beads.

Hangs on a 22 inch antiqued copper chain